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Why to introduce an omnichannel process

Traditional customer service was like this: you arrived in the business, talked to the salesman, asked for product specifications and bought it; and if you needed to talk to the sales rep or to another department, you had to wait for a response while the business made its arrangements; nowadays, the omnichannel process has changed the game.

What does “omnichannel process” mean?

Any communication channel with the customer should be straightforward and reliable to be successful. This is the very purpose of this communication process: for the customer to know that he or she can reach out with you very easily, making purchases more feasible, and greatly benefitting the business.

Before making any purchases, most people nowadays browse online for the products they’re interested in, comparing prices and promotions so that they can decide which one to buy. Once they’ve chosen the product they want, customers expect that the seller is immediately reachable, so that any exchange is pleasant and the selling process is carried out as quickly and reliably as possible.

This process is also helped by:

  • Turning your website into an e-commerce
  • Optimizing your website with original content
  • Having all your contact info available in the website
  • Having your fanpage up to date, with the latest available products and frequent promotions
  • Actively using social media. This is part of the process: you need to interact with customers
  • Using video marketing to generate more trust among customers

Once you have your project’s digital complements in optimum conditions, the omnichannel process—seeking tto obtain he trust and fidelity of the customer who look forward getting a physical product they’ve ordered online—will be completed by your customers, and you will be part of the entrepreneurs who adopt the new business models.